2020 03 09 rated 5 out of 5 by ed from great tires i m on my third set of bfg rugged trail tires on my 06 toyota tacoma with 170k miles accumulated to date.
Bf goodrich rugged trail recall.
Bfgoodrich tires announces safety recall for certain commercial light truck tire sizes.
Bf goodrich rugged terrain t a recall tires sidewall problem.
These bfgoodrich tires carry a 50 000 miles limited warranty in addition to the standard materials and workmanship warranty for treadwear or mileage.
Cookies on the bfgoodrich site for an optimal navigation bfgoodrich website use navigation cookies.
Bfgoodrich commercial t a all season lt 275 70r18 125 122q bfgoodrich commercial t a all season 2 lt 275 70r18 125 122r bfgoodrich rugged terrain t a lt 275 70r18 125 122r bfgoodrich rugged terrain t a lt 275 65r18 123 120r bfgoodrich commercial t a all season 2 lt.
The models recalled include.
Bf goodrich tire recalls.
Bfgoodrich rugged terrain t a lt 275 65r18 123 120r.
Bfgoodrich recalls 129 000 tires.
Michelin north america inc.
My last set of bf goodrich rugger terrain were great.
The dealer sent me to a certified bf goodrich shop to assess the tire.
Safety recalls 10 august 2015 bfgoodrich tires announces safety recall for certain commercial light truck tire sizes.
Download pdf version of warranty available on.
Approximately 104 000 of the recalled tires were sold in the u s.
Every rotation results in an alignment.
The rugged trail t a is the tire of choice for popular oems provides a smooth quiet ride in a variety of conditions with an authentic off road look.
Mna is recalling certain bfgoodrich commercial t a all season tire size lt275 70r18 125 122q lre bfgoodrich commercial t a all season 2 sizes lt275 70r18 125 122r lre lt235 80r17 120 117r lre lt265 70r17 121 118r lre lt245 75r17 121 118r lre lt245 70r17 119 116r lre and bfgoodrich rugged.
At approx 23 500 miles i rhythmic vibration developed in the front end.
Benjamin franklin goodrich founded a tire company connected to numerous firsts in american history the first cross country trip in a car fitted with goodrich tires 1903 being the most memorable.
It had to be replaced under warranty.
These tires are primarily found on commercial light trucks as well as full sized heavy duty vans small rvs and some 3 4 and one ton pick up trucks.
Bfgoodrich tires announced today it is recalling approximately 129 000 tires that were sold in the u s canada and mexico.
The bfgoodrich rugged terrain t a is.
These tires are primarily found on commercial light trucks as well.
Bfgoodrich tires is recalling approximately 129 000 tires that were sold in the u s canada and mexico.